1503 clinton pl, river forest, il 60305

• 9400 sqft • Single family

Case Summary

  • County Case Filed: COOK
  • Last Update: 08-14-2024
  • Filing date: --
  • Status: Pre Foreclosure
  • Balance Due: $363,936
  • Plaintiff: Byline Bank
  • Year Of Mortgage: --
  • Type of MTG: ARM
  • Interest: 4.375
  • Interest Per Diem: 67.3
  • Term of Mortgage: 30
  • Property type: Single Family
  • Property Description: One story residence, any age, 1,801 square feet and over
  • Building Area: 3034
  • Bedrooms: --
  • Year Built: --
  • Exterior: --
  • Bathrooms: --
  • Garage: --
  • Class: --
  • Total Land: 9400
  • Half Bath: --
  • Basement: --
  • Apartments: --

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